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Aaron The Aaronic Blessing
Dilruba Ahmed Phase One
Anna Akhmatova Crucifixion
I Taught Myself to Live Simply
Catherine Alder Advent Hands
Claribel Alegria From the Bridge
Yehuda Amichai The Place Where We Are Right
Maya Angelou Alone
Touched by an Angel
Anonymous A Prayer for People Critically Ill or Facing Great Uncertainty
Chief of Chiefs
God's Aid
House Protecting
I Am Bending My Knee
I Am Giving Thee Worship with My Whole Life
I Lie Down this Night
I Pray for Thee a Joyous Life
Morning Prayer
Prayer at Dressing
Sancti Venite
Sleeping Prayer
The Beltane Blessing
The Blessing of God
The Dedication
The Gifts of the Three
The Gospel of the God of Life
The Guiding Light of Eternity
The Journey Prayer
The Love and Affection of the Angels
The Pilgrims Aiding
The Three
Thomas Aquinas Lost, All in Wonder
John Ashley The Letter
The Second Word
W. H. Auden Epitaph on a Tyrant
St. Augustine Turn Us, O Lord of Hosts
June Avignone Wolf Nose
Teresa of Avila Christ Has No Body
Cameron Awkward-Rich Meditations in an Emergency
Ellen Bass God's Grief
Arthur Bennett, ed. The Valley of Vision
John Frederic Bennett Look there! the Christ, our Brother, comes
Jill Bergkamp Baptism
Mary Ann Bernard Resurrection
Daniel Berrigan A Prayer to the Blessed Trinity
Excerpt from Early Welsh Precepts
Georgetown Poems (5)
Suburban Prayer
To Saint Peter Claver
Wendell Berry "A Vision"
A Timbered Choir
I Know That I Have Life
Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front
Sabbath Poem VII
The Peace of Wild Things
The Real Work
To a Siberian Woodsman
John Berryman Address to the Lord (1)
Address to the Lord (10)
Address to the Lord (11)
Address to the Lord (2)
Address to the Lord (3)
Address to the Lord (4)
Address to the Lord (5)
Address to the Lord (6)
Address to the Lord (7)
Address to the Lord (8)
Address to the Lord (9)
John Betjeman Christmas
Hildegard of Bingen Holy Spirit
O Eternal Lord
O Shepherd of Souls
O Comforting Fire of Spirit
Robert Bly Things to Think
Allan Boesak Advent Credo
Eavan Boland The Emigrant Irish
Philip Booth Hope
Bertolt Brecht A Worker's Speech to a Doctor
St. Brendan the Voyager The Journey Prayer
George Mackay Brown Epiphany Poem
Jack Brown Born to Give Us Second Birth
Isaiah 9:2-6
Elizabeth Barrett Browning Aurora Leigh
The Apprehension
A Child's Thought of God
Work and Contemplation
Walter Brueggemann Dreams and Nightmares
Marked by Ashes
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Post-Election Day
The Noise of Politics
Frederick Buechner Found
John Bunyan The Shepherd Boy
St. Caedmon Caedmon's Hymn
Scott Cairns Eremite
Further Possible Answers to Prayer
Idiot Psalm 12
Idiot Psalm X
Idiot Psalm: With Fear
Possible Answers to Prayer
Codex Calixtinus Pilgrim's Prayer
William Boyd Carpenter Before Thy Throne, O God, We Kneel
Raymond Carver Gravy
Barry L. Casey No Regrets
Sr. M. Charlita, I.H.M Advent Antiphons
G.K. Chesterton A Christmas Carol
A Prayer in Darkness
Kingdom of Heaven
The Beatific Vision
The Convert
The Donkey
The End of Fear
The House of Christmas
The Nativity
The Truce of Christmas
The Wise Men
Sr. M. Chrysostom The Stable
Bernard of Clairvaux The Loving Soul's Jubilation
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge After St. Augustine
William Cowper God Moves in Mysterious Ways
The Contrite Heart
Pamela Cranston A Poem for the Feast of Christ the King
ADVENT (On a Theme by Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
God's Annunciation
Countee Cullen The Black Christ
e.e. cummings I Thank You God
John F. Deane Mercy
Dante Di Stefano  Fat Tuesday
Emily Dickinson #333, The Grass So Little Has To Do
Tell It Slant
John Donne A Hymn to God the Father
Death Be Not Proud (Holy Sonnet X)
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Good Friday, 1613. Riding Westward
Holy Sonnet I
Holy Sonnet XV
Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness
Sonnet XIV
John Dryden Veni, Creator Spiritus
Paul Laurence Dunbar Sympathy
We Wear the Mask
William Dunbar Done is a Battle on the Dragon Black
Brother Eckhart (Chip Camden) Amnon
TS Eliot Ash Wednesday
Journey of the Magi
St. Ephraim of Syria (Ephrem of Edessa) From God Christ's Deity Came Forth
Lenten Prayers, Week 4.
U.A. Fanthorpe BC:AD
Laura Kelly Fanucci When This is Over
Kate Farrell Poem for Dan's Departure
Lawrence Ferlinghetti Sometime During Eternity…
Brett Foster Lamentation
Longing, Lenten
Saint Francis of Assisi The Canticle of the Sun
The Peace Prayer of Saint Francis
Robert Frost Oven Bird
The Road Not Taken
Allison Funk The Prodigal's Mother Talks to God
Edwina Gateley Be Glad
Called to Become
Called to Say Yes
Just a Little Difference
Let Your God Love You
Letting Go
Silent God
Small Deeps
Bikki Gautam Tears of Blood
Kristin Geiser A New Conversation
Jack Gilbert A Brief for the Defense
Horses at Midnight Without a Moon
The Abnormal is Not Courage
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette The Remnant of the Fury Will Not Go
Louise Gluck Celestial Music
Ann Gottleib The Reasons for Liturgy
Malcolm Guite Because We Hunkered Down
I am the Bread of Life
Maundy Thursday
Palm Sunday
Trinity Sunday
Tennyson Guyer The World Is Mine
Joy Harjo Perhaps the World Ends Here
Praise the Rain
Christopher Harvey The Nativity
The School of the Heart
Seamus Heaney Miracle
Voices From Lemnos
Reginald Heber Bread of the World, In Mercy Broken
Tom Hennen From a Country Overlooked
George Herbert Aaron
Affliction IV
Colossians 3:3
Come, My Way
Easter Wings
Love (III)
The 23 Psalme
The Agonie
The Altar from The Temple
The Collar
The Crosse
The Flower
The Holdfast
The Quip
The Sinner
The Storm
Robert Herrick To Find God
Tony Hoagland Personal
Special Problems in Vocabulary
Gerard Manley Hopkins As Kingfishers Catch Fire
Easter Communion
God's Grandeur
I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark
My Own Heart…
No worst, there is none.
Patience, hard thing
Pied Beauty
The Habit of Perfection
The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo
Thee, God, I come from, to Thee I go
Thomas Hopko Lenten Prayers, Week 1
Lenten Prayers, Week 2
Lenten Prayers, Week 3
William How For All the Saints
Marie Howe Magdalene — The Seven Devils
John Hoyte The Touch
Andrew Hudgins Communion in the Asylum
The Hereafter
Langston Hughes Dreams
I, Too
Kids Who Die
Tonya Ingram Until the Stars Collapse
Isaiah 58 Lenten Prayers
Jane Wilson Joyce Crazy Quilt
Juliana of Norwich God is Our Mother
God's Love for Us
Anna Kamienska Those Who Carry
Mary Karr Disgraceland
How God Speaks
The Voice of God
Patrick Kavanagh Having Confessed
Helen Keller Untitled
Jane Kenyon Otherwise
Søren Kierkegaard A Prayer
Søren Kierkegaard Thou Art Incomprehensible
Thou Hast Loved Us First
You Changeless One, Whom Nothing Changes
Martin Luther King I Have a Dream
Rudyard Kipling If
Heather Kirn-Lanier Before writing back to a friend whose mother is dying, you stare…
Stanley Kunitz The Layers
Joy Ladin Comfort Animal
Philip Larkin Church Going
The Mower
Dorianne Laux Antilamentation
Denise Levertov Annunciation
Flickering Mind
Ikon: The Harrowing of Hell
Making Peace
On Belief in the Physical Resurrection of Jesus
On the Mystery of the Incarnation
Primary Wonder
The Avowal
The Beginning of Wisdom
The Servant Girl at Emmaus
Stephen Levine If Prayer Would Do It
C.S. Lewis Footnote to All Prayers
In Praise of Solid People
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Christmas Bells
James Russell Lowell The Present Crisis
Sarah Lubala Portrait of a Girl at the Border Wall
Henry Lyte Abide With Me
Abide With Me (2)
George MacDonald A Prayer for the Past
An Evening Prayer
Morning Hymn
The Carpenter
The Grace of Grace
George Macleod A Prayer
Rabanus Maurus Veni, Creator Spiritus
Claude McKay America
Harlem Shadows
The Lynching
Jim McPherson December Humbug
Ambrose of Milan A Prayer
Calvin Miller Celtic Morning Prayer
Creation Praise
Kei Miller The Book of Genesis
Czeslaw Milosz A Nation
A Task
The Emperor Constantine
Veni, Creator
John Milton Faith and Love
On Time
Sonnet 19 When I Consider How My Light Is Spent
Marianne Moore What Are Years?
Edwin Muir Abraham
The Annunciation
The Child Dying
The Good Man in Hell
The Incarnate One
Charles Munger, Jr. Advent Tanka
Good Friday
Japanese Tanka
Les Murray Where Humans Can't Leave and Mustn't Complain
Pauli Murray Dark Testament Verse 8
Gregory of Nazianzus An Evening Hymn
Marilyn Nelson Churchgoing
John Henry Newman Lead, Kindly Light
The Sign of the Cross
John Henry Newton The Happy Debtor
Martin Niemöller First They Came
Naomi Shihab Nye Famous
Pádraig Ó Tuama Shaking Hands
John O'Donohue For a New Beginning
For the Interim Time
This is the Time to Be Slow
Mary Oliver Fall Song
Of Love
The Journey
The Summer Day
What I Have Learned So Far
When Death Comes
Origen Against Celsus
St. Theodulph of Orleans All Glory, Laud and Honor
Frances Sargent Osgood The Indian Maid's Reply to the Missionary
Alicia Suskin Ostriker The Blessing of the Old Woman, the Tulip, and the Dog
Wilfred Owen Dulce et Decorum Est
Linda Pastan Meditation by the Stove
Boris Pasternak To Be Famous
Saint Patrick The Prayer of Saint Patrick
Carol Penner Coming to a City Near You
Alexander Pope Ode on Solitude
Anne Porter A List of Praises
Aurelius Prudentius Father, Most High, Be With Us
Now With Creation's Morning Song
Of the Father's Love Begotten
Servant of God
Psalms Psalm 25, Lenten Prayers, Week 5
Psalm 51
Sir Walter Raleigh An Epitaph
David A. Redding Adult Advent Announcement
The Reformed Church in America A Prayer for Pentecost
Brad Reynolds Gaudete
Adrienne Rich For the Record
Jan Richardson Blessing That Becomes Empty As It Goes
Gabriel's Annunciation
Rainer Maria Rilke Annunciation to Mary
The Observer
Wer seines Lebens viele Widersinne
Widening Circles
Theodore Roethke My Papa's Waltz
Christina Rossetti Because He First Loved Us
A Better Resurrection
In the Bleak Midwinter
Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī Tonight is the night
John Rutter A Clare Benediction
Deep Peace
Saint John of the Cross I Live Yet Do Not Live In Me
Nicholas Samaras Benediction
May Sarton Now I Become Myself
Pat Schneider Welcoming Angels
Anne Sexton The Big Heart
William Shakespeare Sonnet 106
Luci Shaw Virgin
Percy Bysshe Shelley Ozymandias
Warsan Shire Home
Tracy K. Smith Wade in the Water
Stephen Spender I think of those who were truly great
Edmund Spenser Amoretti LXVIII: Most Glorious Lord of Life
St. Bonaventure The Journey of the Mind to God
William Stafford A Course in Creative Writing
The Way It Is
Chaim Stern 'Tis a Fearful Thing
Prayer for Overcoming Indifference
Robert Louis Stevenson The Celestial Surgeon
Mark Strand The Last Seven Words
Algernon Charles Swinburne Atalanta in Calydon
Joshua Sylvester The Father
Wislawa Szymborska In Praise of Self-Deprecation
Under One Small Star
Alfred, Lord Tennyson A New Year's Poem
In Memoriam A.H.H.
Mother Teresa The Prayer of Mother Teresa and Brother Roger
Thomas à Kempis Prayer
R.S. Thomas Kneeling
The Answer
Via Negativa
J.R.R. Tolkien All Ye Joyful
Wyatt Townley Walking Water
Tomas Tranströmer Task to Be Who I Am
Lynn Unger Pandemic
Ken Untener A Future Not Our Own
John Updike Seven Stanzas at Easter
Various 14 Poems for Peace
Henry Vaughan The Revival
The Revival
David Wagoner Lost
Kerry Weber A Coronavirus Prayer
John Wesley The Covenant Prayer
Phillis Wheatley An Hymn to the Evening
An Hymn to the Morning
On Being Brought From Africa to America
On Virtue
David Whyte Start Close In
The Opening of Eyes
The Truelove
Rowan Williams Advent Calendar
Christian Wiman After A Storm.
All My Friends Are Finding New Beliefs
Into The Instant's Bliss
Memory's Mercies
Music Maybe
Rest Home
The Preacher Addresses the Seminarians
We Lived
When the Time's Toxins
William Wordsworth Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802
I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud
My Heart Leaps Up
Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood
The Daffodils
The Tables Turned
The World Is Too Much With Us
Brian Wren Good is the Flesh
William Butler Yeats Who Goes with Fergus?
Second Coming
Sailing to Byzantium

[ 466 poems from 209 writers ]

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