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Foreign Films

Anthropocene: The Human Epoch
The Disaster Artist
Jafar Panahi's Taxi
Pope Francis
The Salt of the Earth
The Sea In Between
Taylor Swift: Miss Americana
Two Distant Strangers
Afghanistan Afghan Star
The Beauty Academy of Kabul
The Patience Stone
Algeria Outside the Law
Antarctica Encounters at the End of the World
The Endurance
March of the Penguins
Argentina The Secret in Their Eyes
Wild Tales
The Window
Australia Alexandra's Project
Look Both Ways
The Sapphires
The Square
Austria Antares
Spirits of Mozart
The White Ribbon
Belgium BenX
Bhutan Yangsi
Bolivia Cocalero
Botswana Soul of the Elephant
Brazil Carandiru
City of God
The Edge of Democracy
The Last Forest
Man of the Year
Manda Bala
Middle of the World
Pelé: Birth of a Legend
Waste Land
Britain Another Year
Billy Elliot
Calendar Girls
In the Loop
The Killing Fields
Kinky Boots
Saint John the Baptist: From Birth to Beheading
Burkino Faso The Man Who Stopped the Desert
Burma Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country
They Call It Myanmar
Cambodia Enemies of the People
First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers
Canada Anthropocene: The Human Epoch
Jesus of Montreal
Life Off Grid
Saint Ralph
The Stories We Tell
Chad A Screaming Man
Chile Gloria
Nostalgia for the Light
China 24 City
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
Angel of Nanjing
For the Children
Last Train Home
Unknown Pleasures
Up the Yangtze
The World
Colombia El Sendero de la Anaconda
Columbia Maria, Full of Grace
Cuba Barrio Cuba
The Buena Vista Social Club
Chico and Rita
Cuba and the Cameraman
Czech Republic The Country Teacher
Democratic Republic of Congo The Testimony
Denmark Babette's Feast
The Five Obstructions
In a Better World
Dominican Republic Sand Dollars
Ecuador Crude
El Salvador Innocent Voices
England 1917
Cruising the Cut
The Dig
A History of Britain
Still Life
Ethiopia A Walk to Beautiful
Finland The Finland Phenomenon: Inside the World's Most Surprising School System
France Amelie
The Barbarian Invasions
The Chorus (Les Choristes)
The Class
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Faces Places
The Grocer's Son
I've Loved You So Long
The Innocents
The Intouchables
Mademoiselle Chambon
Monsieur Ibrahim
Night and Fog
Of Gods and Men
Ride And Fly
Slack Bay
The Son
Summer Hours
To Be and To Have
A Year In Burgundy
France and the USA Walk with Me
Gautemala El Norte
Georgia My Happy Family
The Trader
Germany Blind Spot; Hitler's Secretary
The Counterfeiters
Das Boot
The Lives of Others
The Motorcycle Diaries
Schultze Gets the Blues
The Tunnel
Ghana Emmanuel's Gift
Great Britain Planet Earth II
Greece Dogtooth
Guatemala Living on One Dollar
Guyana The White Diamond
Haiti The Agronomist
Father Joseph
Holland The Betrayal of Technology: A Portrait of Jacques Ellul
Hungary White God
Iceland And Breathe Normally
Icelandic Noi Albino
India Born Into Brothels
The Lunch Box
Monsoon Wedding
Indonesia The Act of Killing
Mysterious Mamberamo
Inuit The Fast Runner
People of a Feather
Iran Day Break
Iran: A Cinematographic Revolution
The Past
A Separation
Iraq Control Room
Letters from Baghdad
Ireland Calvary
Israel The Band's Visit
Disturbing the Peace
The Flat
The Gatekeepers
The Law in These Parts
The Story of the Jews
Waltz with Bashir
Italy Angela
Bread and Tulips
Call Me By Your Name
Days and Clouds
Fire at Sea
The Life Ahead
Life is Beautiful
Jamaica Marley
Japan Departures
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Nobody Knows
Our Little Sister
Who's Camus Anyway?
Jordan Captain Abu Raed
Kazakhstan The Eagle Huntress
Kenya Nowhere in Africa
Korea Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Kurdish Turtles Can Fly
Lebanon Incendies
Under the Bombs
Liberia Pray the Devil Back to Hell
Libya Benghazi in Crisis
Macedonia Honeyland
Malawi The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
I Am Because We Are
Mauritania Timbuktu
Mexico Amores Perros
La Tragedia de Macario
Malos Habitos
Nora's Will
Sin Nombre
The Violin
Mongolia Mongolian Ping Pong
The Story of the Weeping Camel
Morocco Salvation Army
Mozambique Gorongosa Park; Rebirth of Paradise
Myanmar Myanmar's Killing Fields
Nepal Everest
New Guinea Pururambo
New Zealand Antarctice: A Year on Ice
The Power of the Dog
Whale Rider
Nigeria Skin
Welcome to Nollywood
Norway O'Horten
Pakistan He Named Me Malala
Palestine 5 Broken Cameras
Encounter Point
Paradise Now
Peru Ghosts of Machu Picchu
The Milk of Sorrow
Peru: Tesoro Escondido
Philippines Motherland
Poland Ida
In Darkness
The Pianist
Portugal Night Train to Lisbon
The Ornithologist
Romania Acasă, My Home
Russia Father and Son
Happy People; A Year in the Taiga
Rwanda Munyurangabo
Sauda Arabia Wadjda
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Uncovered
Scotland Andy Goldsworthy: Rivers and Tides, Working With Time
Senegal Moolaadé
Sierra Leone Fambul Tok
Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars
Singapore Be With Me
South Africa My Octopus Teacher
The Wooden Camera
South Korea Mother
Spain Broken Embraces
Everybody Knows
Footprints: The Path of Your Life
Pain and Glory
The Sea Inside
Talk to Her
Sudan Beats of the Antonov
God Grew Tired of Us
Swaziland Liyana
Without the King
Sweden Force Majeure
Life Overtakes Me
Mother of Mine
Switzerland Das Fraulein
In the Garden of Sounds
Syria The Cave
For Sama
Inside the Islamic State
Return to Homs
The White Helmets
Thailand Last Life in the Universe
The Rescue
Turkey Distant
Times and Winds
Uganda ABC Africa
Imba Means Sing
War Dance
Ukraine Winter on Fire
United Arab Emirates Brink: Masdar
United Kingdom David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet
Uruguay The Pope's Toilet
Venezuela Amazonia Vertical
Vietnam Journey from the Fall (Vuot Song)
Last Days in Vietnam
The Vietnam War
West Bank Ajami
Yemen The Fight for Yemen
Zimbabwe Tapestries of Hope
Zulu Yesterday

[ 295 film reviews from 114 countries ]

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