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All reviews are by Daniel B. Clendenin except as noted.

Poetry, Art, Film, Literature, Photography and Music

James Allen, Hilton Als, Congressman John Lewis, and Leon F. Litwack Without Sanctuary; Lynching Photography in America
Maya Angelou Maya Angelou; The Complete Poetry
Mother; A Cradle to Hold Me
Daniel Berrigan And the Risen Bread; Selected Poems, 1957–1997
Daniel Berrigan: Essential Writings
Wendell Berry Given: Poems
Leavings: Poems
New Collected Poems
Harold Bloom and Jesse Zuba, editors American Religious Poems, An Anthology
Scott Cairns Compass of Affection; Poems New and Selected
Endless Life; Poems of the Mystics
Idiot Psalms: New Poems
James A. Connor The Last Judgment; Michelangelo and the Death of the Renaissance
David Curzon, ed. The Gospels in Our Image; An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Poetry Based on Biblical Texts
Esther de Waal, editor The Celtic Vision; Prayers, Blessings, Songs and Incantations from the Gaelic Tradition
Makoto Fujimura Art and Faith: A Theology of Making
Edwina Gateley Soul Whispers
There Was No Path, So I Trod One
Lorrie Goldensohn, editor American War Poetry; An Anthology
Stephen Greenblatt Will in the World; How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare
Ron Hansen Exiles
Charles Henry Rowell, editor Angles of Ascent; A Norton Anthology of Contemporary African American Poetry
Jay Hopler and Kimberly Johnson, editors Before the Door of God; An Anthology of Devotional Poetry
Harlan Hubbard The Woodcuts of Harlan Hubbard, with a foreword by Wendell Berry
Alan Jacobs The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction
Robert Johnston Useless Beauty; Ecclesiastes through the Lens of Contemporary Film
Mary Karr Tropic of Squalor: Poems
Tracy Kidder and Richard Todd Good Prose: The Art of Non-Fiction
Michael Kimmelman The Accidental Masterpiece; On the Art of Life and Vice Versa
Jennifer L. Holberg, ed Shouts and Whispers; Twenty-One Writers Speak About Their Writing and Their Faith
Denise Levertov Collected Poems
The Stream and the Sapphire; Selected Poems on Religious Themes
Edmund Morris Beethoven; The Universal Composer
Les Murray Killing the Black Dog, A Memoir of Depression
Mary Norris Between You and Me; Confessions of a Comma Queen
Joyce Carol Oates American Melancholy: Poems
Mary Oliver A Thousand Mornings: Poems
Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver
Swan; Poems and Prose Poems
Camille Paglia Break, Blow, Burn; Camille Paglia Reads Forty-Three of the World's Best Poems
Spencer Reece The Road to Emmaus: Poems
Rainer Maria Rilke Pictures of God; Rilke's Religious Poetry
Oliver Sacks Musicophilia; Tales of Music and the Brain
Don Share and Christian Wiman The Open Door: 100 Poems, 100 Years of Poetry Magazine
Jeffrey Spier, editor Picturing the Bible; The Earliest Christian Art
Steve Turner Beatles ’66: The Revolutionary Year
Alice Walker The World Will Follow Joy; Turning Madness Into Flowers
Helen Wilcox, ed. George Herbert 100 Poems
Christian Wiman He Held Radical Light: The Art of Faith, The Faith of Art
Joy: 100 Poems
Once in the West: Poems
Kevin Young, ed. African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggles and Songs
Elizabeth Zelensky and Lela Gilbert Windows to Heaven; Introducing Icons to Protestants and Catholics

[ 54 Book Reviews, from 41 Authors ]

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