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Daniel B. Clendenin

 Dan Clendenin JwJ bio 02Apr2022 IMG 0592 sm
Dan Clendenin.

Dan Clendenin founded the Journey with Jesus webzine in 2004. He earned his Ph.D. from Drew University (1985). He then taught at William Tyndale College in Michigan (1985–1991), and at Moscow State University (1991–1995) in the former Department of Scientific Atheism. Dan joined InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Stanford University in the summer of 1995 and worked with faculty and graduate students until 2003. He has traveled in 40 countries.

In 2012 Dan and his wife walked the 500-mile Way of St. James in Spain.

In 2014 they walked the 458-mile pilgrimage across southern France called "Le Chemin du Puy."

In 2016 they walked the 350-mile "La Via di Francesco" from Florence to Assisi to Rome. In 2019 they hiked the Tour du Mont Blanc.

Dan's publications include the following books:

  • Reading Poetry, Practicing Resurrection, editor (2020, e-book)
  • Our Contested Story: Christian Faith in an Age of Doubt (2019, e-book)
  • Many Gods, Many Lords: Christianity Encounters World Religions (Baker Book House, 1995).
  • Eastern Orthodox Theology: A Contemporary Reader, editor (Baker Book House, second edition, 2004).
  • Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Western Perspective (Baker Book House, second edition, 2004).
  • Problems in Christian Philosophy, Dan Clendenin and Melville Stewart, editors (Moscow: Progress Academy, 1994) (available only in Russian).
  • From the Coup to the Commonwealth: An Inside Look at Life in Contemporary Russia (Baker Book House, 1992).
  • Scholarship, Sacraments and Service: Historical Studies in Protestant Tradition (Texts and Studies in Religion, Vol. 49), Dan Clendenin and W. David Buschart, editors (Edwin Mellen Press, 1990).
  • Theological Method in Jacques Ellul (University Press of America, 1987).


Amy Frykholm

 Amy Frykholm.
Amy Frykholm

Amy Frykholm is an award-winning writer, scholar, and journalist. For seventeen years she was a senior editor for The Christian Century magazine, and host of the podcast In Search Of. She received her PhD in Literature from Duke University, and has published eight books of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction, most recently the novel High Hawk (2024) and the spiritual guidebook Wild Heart: Four Invitations to Contemplative Living (2025). Amy lives in Colorado and is cofounder of Sage Mountain Institute, a spirituality and creativity center in the Rocky Mountains.


Debie Thomas

Debie Thomas served as a staff writer for Journey with Jesus from 2014 to 2022, and her lectionary essays and 8D reflections are available in our archive.  Debie is the author of Into the Mess and Other Jesus Stories, a collection of essays that explores the life and teachings of Jesus.  She studied English Literature at Wellesley College and Brown University, and earned an MFA in Creative Writing at The Ohio State University.  She currently serves as the Minister for Lifelong Formation at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Palo Alto, CA.  You can learn more about Debie's writing and speaking at  




Michael Fitzpatrick.Michael Fitzpatrick

Michael Fitzpatrick is a U. S. Army veteran and philosopher. He served five years in the Army as a Chaplain's Assistant, which included two deployments to Iraq during 2004-05 and 2006-08. Michael has a Master's in Literature from Chico State, and a Master's in Philosophy from Stanford University, where he is finishing his doctorate. He especially enjoys the history, theology and practice of the worldwide Anglican tradition.





Robert Hann April2021 sm

Robert Hann

Robert Hann wrote our music reviews from 2021 to 2022.

He lives with his wife and kids in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he works as an orthodontist. Originally from Los Angeles, he completed undergraduate studies at Stanford University and received his DDS, MS and orthodontics certificate from USC. He and his family enjoy road trips and camping throughout the desert Southwest.



David Werther


David Werther was the music review editor of from December 2005 to January 2021. David directs the Independent Learning Program at the University of Wisconsin-Extension, and teaches theology in the extension program of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He earned his Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

David has published articles in Ars Disputandi, Philosophia Christi, Religious Studies, and Sophia, and given conference papers at Oxford University, University of Aberdeen, Indiana University, et al. With John Huss, David is co-editor of Johnny Cash and Philosophy (Open Court Publishing Company, 2008), and co-edited The Christian Worldview Analysis Assessment and Development (Bloomsbury 2012) with Mark Linville, and the forthcoming volume, C. S. Lewis's List (Bloomsbury 2015) with Susan Werther. David and his family are members of Geneva Campus Church.


Ray F. Cowanraycowan

Ray Cowan is the Journey with Jesus webmaster. He has worked with the site since its beginnings in 2004.

Ray works as a software engineer for startups in Silicon Valley.  Prior to joining the commercial sector, he was a particle physicist working for M.I.T.on assignment at Stanford University. He enjoys hiking and landscape photography in the California coast ranges.


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